Emanuele Cocollini
Fondatore e Manager
Nel luglio del 2014 fonda lo Studio di consulenza multidisciplinare “Cocollini & Partners”, svolge l’attività di consulenza strategica d’impresa, di manager e consulente nel settore socio-sanitario e di coordinamento di tutte le attività dello Studio.
Nel 2008 consegue la maturità scientifica presso il liceo scientifico “Leonardo da Vinci” di Firenze.
E’ laureato in “Tecniche della Prevenzione nell’ ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro” presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze e ne è abilitato a svolgere la professione.
E’ abilitato a svolgere la professione di RSPP, Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione e l’attività di formatore.
E’ iscritto al numero 241 dell’Albo dei TPAL presso l’Ordine TSRM PSTRP di Firenze, Arezzo, Prato, Pistoia, Lucca, Massa-Carrara.
E' Presidente della Confederazione Nazionale del Lavoro (CNL) per la provincia di Firenze.
E' Amministratore Unico della Cocollini Real Estate Srls, società che opera nel settore immobiliare.
E' Presidente del centro di Formazione professionale Autorizzato O.P.N. Italia Lavoro.
Dal 26 maggio 2019 al 9 giugno 2024 è stato Vicepresidente Vicario del Consiglio Comunale di Firenze.
"He began his career in the real estate sector in 2001/2002, in the field of Civil Construction, Industrial and Welfare Construction, (Florence and Milan) as a Topographer, following all the Topography phases inherent in the new Construction.
Phases that start from the "countryside plan" until the building is completed.
As a freelancer and driven by a high self-efficacy, as well as by a high self-esteem and having the humility to always get involved, Leonardo has never allowed various external references (such as for example the drama of the economic situation European Union) to influence his desire for research and growth.
His attitude not to be shaped by external events but to induce or condition destiny also leads him to approach with excellent results, in the Design, Works Management, Coordination of All the figures present in a building intervention.
His knowledge of "Private Law" (Yuris Civilis) allows him to successfully follow all the assistance related to the sale (transfers of ownership) of all types of property (from ordinary ones, to luxury buildings to historic Italian buildings).
Leonardo's guiding phrase is that phrase that would serve any man to always emerge and reason at a higher and productive level in all categories:
... "If the world cannot condition me, I can condition the world" ... (cit. Steve Jobs)
Simone Sterrantino graduated in 2004 as a Surveyor at the Russell - Newton Technical Institute in Scandicci and after his internship, he obtained the qualification for the exercise of the free profession of Surveyor in 2007 and then enrolled in the College of Surveyors in Florence in 2008.
Already during his studies and then during the internship he begins to know the profession in all its areas and its facets.
Since enrolling in the College of Florence in 2008, he collaborates with various professionals and technical studies, thanks to the help of which he develops knowledge and deepens themes that most interest him, among these in particular, those relating to construction with projects, works management and cadastre, those relating to real estate with purchase and sale reports, divisions and estimate reports, those relating to the tax part with declarations of succession and IMU calculation and those relating to safety in construction sites and in the workplace, with coordination and consultancy company.
Starting in 2016, he began to develop this latter area even more in-depth, also becoming a Safety Trainer, this allows him to have a complete picture of needs and regulations relating to companies, holding consultancy and training courses, thanks also to the contribution from a nationally recognized Training Body.
From 2018 he joined the Notule Commission of the College of Surveyors of Florence.
Enthusiastic of his work, he dedicates himself to the resolution and satisfaction of his customers, he knows how to collaborate shoulder to shoulder within the studio and he never gives up even in the most intricate situations.
È laureato in Giurisprudenza presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
È Avvocato civilista, con particolare specializzazione nei rapporti con le assicurazioni e cura le controversie sorgenti da sinistri stradali o di altro genere.
Nel 1973 ha ottenuto la laurea in Giurisprudenza presso l'Università di Firenze e nel 1977 si è iscritto all' Albo degli Avvocati e Procuratori di Firenze dopo aver superato l'esame di idoneità presso la Corte di Appello di Firenze.
E’ stato praticante ed ha collaborato dal 1968 al 1975 dell' Avv. Attilio De Anna, uno dei più noti esperti di infortunistica stradale del Foro Fiorentino, legale dell'A.C.I. e Commissario Sportivo della C.S.A.1.
Ha collaborato nello studio dell' Avv. Vitantonio La Volpe, già Presidente del Consiglio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di Firenze e Membro del Consiglio Nazionale Forense, curando le pratiche in carico allo studio della Banca d'America e d'Italia e della Banca Nazionale delle Comunicazioni.
Svolge l’attività professionale dall'anno 1980.
E’ fiduciario di diverse compagnie assicurative e si occupa di consulenza nell'ambito di investimenti immobiliari, partecipazioni societarie e ricerca di finanziamenti.
Simone Ciuffini graduated in Architecture from the University of Florence in 2002.
Already during the degree course he worked at various architecture firms in Florence, developing a strong creative ability especially in the furniture sector.
From 2007 to 2012 he worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Industrial Design in Florence.
Since 2004 he has created numerous hairdressing salons throughout Italy, as well as spas and shops of various kinds. Numerous homes have also been restored by him, each time creating a perfect combination of elegance, refinement and comfort.
For the architect Ciuffini it is of fundamental importance to know how to interpret the dreams and needs of his client, transforming them, through his own experience and interpretative ability, into a suit suitable to satisfy every request. It therefore becomes necessary to create an excellent relationship of trust between the client and the designer.
Over the years, his passion for design and fine finishes has led him to create collaborative relationships with numerous companies that also work on the creation of high fashion shops, precisely to satisfy the requests of an increasingly demanding clientele, the architect Ciuffini works in close contact with the artisans of the Design sector with whom he designs and contextually creates furniture, objects and fine finishes.
Every human being lives in harmony with his environment until he finds contrasts with it, consequently every object or furniture scattered around his home must be in perfect symbiosis with the context in which he finds himself.
"I will never appreciate a beautiful object contextualized in an environment that is not his" says the architect Ciuffini, the harmony between things is at the first place in a good interior design, consequently the work of art in itself because the work of art will be appreciated only when the light, the color and the material around it are specifically studied. For this reason nothing should be left to chance but careful study is needed to make the most of even the smallest detail.
Simone Ciuffini graduated in Architecture from the University of Florence in 2002.
Already during the degree course he worked at various architecture firms in Florence, developing a strong creative ability especially in the furniture sector.
From 2007 to 2012 he worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Industrial Design in Florence.
Since 2004 he has created numerous hairdressing salons throughout Italy, as well as spas and shops of various kinds. Numerous homes have also been restored by him, each time creating a perfect combination of elegance, refinement and comfort.
For the architect Ciuffini it is of fundamental importance to know how to interpret the dreams and needs of his client, transforming them, through his own experience and interpretative ability, into a suit suitable to satisfy every request. It therefore becomes necessary to create an excellent relationship of trust between the client and the designer.
Over the years, his passion for design and fine finishes has led him to create collaborative relationships with numerous companies that also work on the creation of high fashion shops, precisely to satisfy the requests of an increasingly demanding clientele, the architect Ciuffini works in close contact with the artisans of the Design sector with whom he designs and contextually creates furniture, objects and fine finishes.
Every human being lives in harmony with his environment until he finds contrasts with it, consequently every object or furniture scattered around his home must be in perfect symbiosis with the context in which he finds himself.
"I will never appreciate a beautiful object contextualized in an environment that is not his" says the architect Ciuffini, the harmony between things is at the first place in a good interior design, consequently the work of art in itself because the work of art will be appreciated only when the light, the color and the material around it are specifically studied. For this reason nothing should be left to chance but careful study is needed to make the most of even the smallest detail.
Nel 2009 si è diplomato al Liceo Scientifico "Giovanni Spano" di Sassari.
Nel 2014 ha conseguito la laurea in "Economia e Management" presso il dipartimento di Scienze economiche e aziendali dell’Università degli studi di Sassari.
Dal 2017 svolge l’attività di manager occupandosi di gestione amministrativa ed operativa di strutture sanitarie e socio-sanitarie, nonché dei rapporti con i Committenti pubblici e privati e di gestione delle gare di appalto.
Si occupa di coordinamento di processi strategici, commerciali ed operativi di impresa.
Dal 2018 svolge attività di consulenza nello Studio.